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R.R. Reno is editor of First Things.

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Are Republicans the True Marxists?

Good grief. In a phone call to donors, Mitt Romney explained his defeat by referring to the “free stuff” that Democrats give their constituencies. He said that Obama’s strategy was to “give them extraordinary financial gifts from the government.” I don’t deny the . . . . Continue Reading »

Frustrated with Republicans

I’m frustrated by the way in which the Republican leadership has largely suppressed debate about moral and cultural issues in this electoral cycle. Yes, the economic situation is very important. But in the long run a productive economy requires a healthy culture. I wish Karl Rove would put a . . . . Continue Reading »

John Rawls and the Progressive Totalitarian Temptation

Recently I was rereading Rawls on the notion of public reason. This idea is dear to Rawls, because it’s part of his larger vision of participatory democracy. We need to be “in on” the reasons behind public policies, because that’s necessary in order for us to be able to . . . . Continue Reading »

Absurd Republican Rhetoric

Mother Jones recently posted a video that captures Romney talking to some Republican Party donors. In response to a question Romney drew on a distinction that I’ve heard a number of people make. The future of the country is in the balance, this way of thinking argues, because nearly half the . . . . Continue Reading »

Douthat on Dolan and More

Joan Desmond at the National Catholic Register conducted a very useful interview with Ross Douthat . I find myself agreeing with what Douthat has to say about Catholicism’s realignment from Democratic to Republican (a very partial and complicated but real change). We face a challenge. Because . . . . Continue Reading »

From Gay Marriage to …

Well, lots more. This new report about a civil union between three people (a man and two women) in Brazil suggests that those of us worried about the slippery slope aren’t out of our minds. I should say that Brazil and South America in general has a much stronger political tradition on the . . . . Continue Reading »

Religion and Republicans

Times sure have changed. It wasn’t but a generation ago (OK, a long generation, but still) that the Republican Party was the party of moderately conservative mainline Protestants, while Jews and Catholics were solidly in the Democratic camp. Now the GOP will feature a rabbi giving the . . . . Continue Reading »

Secularists of the World Unite!

A particularly amusing book came across my desk recently. It’s Nonbeliever Nation: The Rise of Secular Americans by David Niose, a “secular activist” in Washington. This is not a book to turn to for nuance. Here’s a sample: Anti-intellectualism, the disappearing middle . . . . Continue Reading »

Attention All Thomists

Enthusiasts of St. Thomas should know about the ambitious publication project being undertaken by the Aquinas Institute at Wyoming Catholic College. It’s very good indeed to see that the Institute is launching Latin and English editions of the works of the Angelic Doctor. . . . . Continue Reading »

Martha the Commissar

Well, well, there’s tolerance, and then there’s tolerance. A recent interview of Martha Nussbaum in the Boston Review shows what at least one pillar of our liberal establishment has in mind when it comes to Catholicism. The interview by Boston Review Web Editor David V. Johnson was . . . . Continue Reading »



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