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R.R. Reno is editor of First Things.

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Pastor Needed

I recently received an email from a reader. She's aware of the Marriage Pledge, the initiative formulated by Ephraim Radner and Christopher Seitz that called for Christian ministers to set aside their civil authority to sign government marriage licenses. The purpose of this pledge is to clarify . . . . Continue Reading »

Can You Support First Things?

Dear Reader,We've launched our spring fundraising campaign. Some of you have received letters from me asking for your support. That's been a great way to reach our regular readers, but some connect with us the way I'm doing so right now—by way bits and bites. Thus my electronic solicitation. Our . . . . Continue Reading »

Our Homophobic Pope

The media make a big deal of Pope Francis when this or that utterance seems to signal that the Great Capitulation is imminent. Liberals have long hoped for the moment when the Catholic Church stops being “anti-modern,” which doesn't mean engaged with science, philosophically sophisticated, and . . . . Continue Reading »

The Neuhaus Legacy

Neuhaus, public intellectual? Yesterday, CBC radio ran a long segment on the legacy of Richard John Neuhaus. Native of Pembroke, Ontario, it's fitting that Canada's public radio would cover the publication of his biography, written by Randy Boyagoda, also a Canadian. RJN's a native son gone . . . . Continue Reading »

Priests Speaking Out

It's not a petition, strictly speaking. It's a statement of fidelity to the Catholic Church's historic teaching on sex and marriage. Originally signed by nearly five hundred English priests in March, it's now being circulated in the United States at and available for priest here to sign. Here's the statement: Continue Reading »

Indiana, Religious Freedom, and the Hysteria

Yesterday I put forward my analysis of the extraordinary propaganda blitz and its implications. In doing so, I said that no prominent Republicans have come forward to back Mike Pence, the governor of Indiana currently under attack. This is not true, and I've updated the post. Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, and Scott Walker has expressed support in one way or another. Continue Reading »

The New Republic’s Managerial Elitism

It’s subtitled “A historical reflection,” but there’s not much reflection in Jeet Heer’s survey of race in The New Republic. Instead, “The New Republic’s Legacy on Race” is for the most part an enumeration of racial demerits, along with a shorter list . . . . Continue Reading »



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