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The Historic Evangelical View of the Church Fathers

Here is a comment that reflects very well the historic Evangelical view of the Church Fathers. It is offered by Martin Chemnitz, an extremely important second-generation Lutheran theologian, whose definitive analysis of, and response to, the theology of the Council of Trent remains . . . . Continue Reading »

A Sampling of What Publishers Receive

My day job is serving as the Publisher at Concordia Publishing House in Saint Louis, Missouri. We’ve been around since 1869, serving as the publishing arm of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. One of the more interesting “benefits” of my position is that I receive, daily, let us say, . . . . Continue Reading »

What is Daily Renewal All About?

On the importance of the daily renewal of the Christian:“Sin is forgiven in justification, but it still retains its roots in our heart. If the Christian therefore does not renew himself daily, his heart must soon become wild again, like a tree which is not pruned, or like a garden which is not . . . . Continue Reading »

What do you think of “Firearms of Jesus Christ”?

A manufacturer of optics for US military arms apparently feels a need to stamp references to Bible verses on them. And how is this a good idea?Here’s a snippet from the story, with a link to the full story following:Trijicon confirmed to that it adds the biblical codes to the . . . . Continue Reading »

Happy Martin Luther King Day

It is time once again for me to make my annual comments about Martin Luther King day. Sadly, every year when I do this I get the same sort of responses, no matter how hard I try to be clear on why this day is so important to so many of our African-American brothers and sisters, and, why it is so . . . . Continue Reading »

The Confession of St. Peter: January 18

Petros, Peter, which means “rock” made a rock-solid confession, when asked by Christ whom men say that he is, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God!” This is divine revelation, not given to us by flesh and blood, but by God the Holy Spirit. And our Lord said to . . . . Continue Reading »

Second Sunday after the Epiphany: The First of His Signs

[caption id=”attachment_3307” align=”alignleft” width=”391” caption=”Workshop of Fernando Gallego, Changing the Water into Wine, 1480-88 oil on panel “][/caption]The Divine Glory Is Manifested in the Signs of ChristWhen Jesus turned water into wine at . . . . Continue Reading »

This is How a Pastor Responds to Haiti

While I appreciate the pronouncements from those who mean well and are saying the right thing, I think what I prefer the most are the deeply pastoral remarks I’m hearing from active parish pastors. Let me share but one from a colleague in the ministry who shared these remarks with his . . . . Continue Reading »

What to Do When You Don’t Feel Like Praying

[caption id=”attachment_5012” align=”alignleft” width=”250” caption=”Praying Hands, by Albrecht Dürer. Public domain.”][/caption]Martin Luther offers some excellent advice for what to do when you just don’t feel like praying, when you think . . . . Continue Reading »



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