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Oculi: The Third Sunday in Lent

The Scripture ReadingsExodus 8:16–24Ephesians 5:1–9Luke 11:14–28Summary: Jesus Overcomes the Strong ManJeremiah was charged with speaking evil when he spoke the Word of the Lord (Jer. 26:1–15). So also, Jesus is accused of doing evil when in fact He is doing good. He casts out a . . . . Continue Reading »

Commemoration of Sts. Perpetua and Felicitas, Martyrs

At the beginning of the third century, the Roman emperor Septimus Severus forbade conversions to Christianity. Among those disobeying that edict were Perpetua, a young noblewoman, and her maidservant Felicitas. Both were jailed at Carthage in North Africa along with three fellow Christians. During . . . . Continue Reading »

Free Digital Church Year Calendar

Did you know that there is a free digital calendar for the Christian Church Year, along with the secular calendar, available here? There are a variety of formats: Microsoft Outlook, Entourage, iCal and Google Calendar. Courtesy of Concordia Publishing House. It includes every Sunday in the Church . . . . Continue Reading »

No Middle Ground: Satan or Christ

An excellent presentation by Pastor Mason Beecroft. Well worth our careful reading and attention.Last year I was invited to give a lecture in the Wiseman Series at First Presbyterian in Tulsa. Oswald Hoffman was a regular presenter. Well, for whatever reason, they asked me to return this year. Here . . . . Continue Reading »

The Bishop Resigns: Better Late than Never?

A guest post by Rev. Dr. Holger Sonntag. Since Dr. Sonntag is from Germany and very familiar with the ecclesiastical situation, I asked if he would have any thoughts on the resignation of Dr. Margot Käßmann, who was the head of the EKiD and the bishop of the largest territorial Lutheran . . . . Continue Reading »

Six Things to Do When You Feel Your Faith is Weak

When we are feeling that our faith in Christ is weak, we should, as God’s Word itself teaches us, do the following things:1. Recognize that faith is God’s work and his gift, 1 Thess. 3.; John 6.2. Inquire and examine ourselves if we gladly want to believe, and if we wish that our faith . . . . Continue Reading »



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