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The Tragedy of Oral Roberts

I commend to you this post by Albert Mohler and heartily concur with his wise assessment of the tragedy of Oral Robert’s ministry:“In the end, however, Oral Roberts should be measured by his message. Though his claims of visions and healings drew deserved attention, along with both . . . . Continue Reading »

Advice for Aspiring Preachers

My son, John, has expressed an interest in becoming a pastor and the other day, after he heard me preach, he asked, “Dad, do you get nervous and scared when you have to preach?” It was an interesting question. I thought for a moment and said, “No, John, honestly, I don’t get . . . . Continue Reading »

Gift Giving and Getting

I’m growing older, as my wife reminds me dutifully. One thing about growing older is that you enjoy things in a different way than you used to. I don’t know about you, but for me the best part of Christmas gifts is now giving gifts, not receiving them. I love to give my loved ones gifts. . . . . Continue Reading »

Temple Prostitution: A Modest Proposal

Last summer, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America voted  to accept actively homosexual persons as members of their clergy and to condone gays and lesbians living in “lifelong, monogamous same-gender relationships.” This has caused a firestorm of controversy in that church . . . . Continue Reading »

Manifestor of His Father, Creator of His Mother

Each time I read a golden nugget like this from St. Augustine, I’m once more reminded that, when you are reading St. Augustine, you realize you are in the presence of a great and profound mind. Thanks to Pastor Alms for this gem. Augustine said:My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord, of . . . . Continue Reading »

Greetings from the Token Lutheran

[caption id=”” align=”alignleft” width=”228” caption=”A Painting that Preaches Christ: Cranach's Altar Painting in the St. Peter and Paul Church; Weimar, Germany”][/caption]Hello and greetings everyone. I thought I should introduce myself. Joe . . . . Continue Reading »



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