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Pope to Luther: Oops

So it seems B16 will argue that Luther wasn’t so much a heretic as he was . . . ahead of his time. I’m sure Herr Luther feels much better now. (And does this mean the Vatican wants its bull back? Good luck with that . . . ) By way of Paul McCain at Cyberbrethren. Update: Amy Welborn . . . . Continue Reading »

John McCain Will Not Be Left Behind

. . . at least now that John Hagee is in his corner . For those of you who have not been counting down to Armageddon since that concatenation of false prophecy The Late Great Planet Earth hit bookstores back in 1970, John Hagee’s ministry consists of oversize illustrations of . . . . Continue Reading »

Leave Your Heresy at the Door

Carl Olson over at Ignatius Press’ Insight Scoop blog relates how one Catholic bishop had the audacity to prevent a Catholic biblical scholar from speaking at the Newman Center on the campus of Southern Illinois University Carbondale. That scholar is Luke Timothy Johnson. The bishop, Edward . . . . Continue Reading »

William F. Buckley, R.I.P.

N.Y. Times homepage has just announced. He was 82. Update: Here’s the Times ’ obit , which obviously had been in the can for a while. (Check out the fourth graf. And thanks to Ryan Anderson for pointing it out.) . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: Fun with Excel!

Jonathan , it would seem that only some movies build an audience over time. Check out the Annie Hall entry at $38 million is pathetic . (Granted, Allen may be an exception to all rules: To date, Hannah and Her Sisters , one of the most overrated films, never mind Woody Allen films, of all . . . . Continue Reading »

Most Brits Creedless

Or so says t his report . There’s something fishy here. First of all, it was conducted by the United Nations. Did they offer respondents food for an “N/A” response? And why is Asma Jahangir, a UN “special rapporteur” (is that anything like a really good . . . . Continue Reading »

Be Kind Rewind

“I’m thinkin’ cardboard,” says Jerry, one of the strange creatures that frequent Be Kind Rewind, a ramshackle mom-and-pop videostore in Passaic, New Jersey. And the film Be Kind Rewind is loaded with cardboard, as in the cheap casings of those relics of the 1980s—VHS . . . . Continue Reading »

Re: Nerds and Bigger Bangs

Truth be told, Steve , having spent my adolescence sitting in the front row of some flea-bitten revival house pinning my own nose bridge to my face manually as I squinted through another bad work print of Vittorio De Sica’s Miracle in Milan , I’m in no position to tweak anybody about . . . . Continue Reading »

Nerds and Bigger Bangs

So, the Big Bang wasn’t the beginning of it all. Or so says this guy . Him: “If this is right, it means that time runs forward for a while. Then there’s a random state without an arrow of time, then time runs backwards, and then time runs forward again.” Sounds like the R . . . . Continue Reading »

The Irrational Atheist

Just when atheists thought it was safe to enter the public square, a book like this comes along. The Irrational Atheist by Vox Day is not a work of Christian apologetics. It is, instead, a merciless deconstruction of atheist thought—or what passes for thought. That’s the gimmick, if you . . . . Continue Reading »



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