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John Gray on the Atheist Delusion

The inimitable Edward T. Oakes forwards this for our reading pleasure. Here’s a snippet: The problem with the secular narrative is not that it assumes progress is inevitable (in many versions, it does not). It is the belief that the sort of advance that has been achieved in science can be . . . . Continue Reading »

The End Is Nigh

. . . if your definition of nigh is 7.59 billion years . One of the scientists responsible for calculating the end-time figures was asked to comment further: Dr. Smith called the new result “a touch depressing” in a series of e-mail messages. But “looked at another way,” he . . . . Continue Reading »

When Comics Get Serious

. . . the results are often unintentionally funny. Here’s Ricky Gervais’ take on God in the most recent issue of Best Life . Look, Gervais the comic actor is a scream. The Office undoubtedly deserved the accolades it garnered (despite one or two errant episodes, in which tastelessness . . . . Continue Reading »

A Short History of Atheism

M.Z. Hemingway, journalist/blogger extraordinaire at Get Religion , has written this handy reference tool , now available at Modern Reformation magazine. Yes, atheism is not only old, it’s decrepit, and the only things new in the new atheism are those bar-code thingies on the dust jackets. . . . . Continue Reading »

Why Would Anyone Become Anglican?

The Episcopal Church has come in for more than its share of bad press over the past few years/decades, and the Anglican Communion is quickly becoming a synonym for entropy. But there are still bastions of orthodoxy that unabashedly hoist the flag of traditional 39-Article Anglicanism as it reaches . . . . Continue Reading »

The Timothy Keller Interview

On February 25, we posted as the Daily Article an interview I conducted with Timothy Keller , author of the new bestseller The Reason for God . It was picked up by quite a few, mostly evangelical blogsites and has resulted in our being added to a hefty list of blogrolls—something we certainly . . . . Continue Reading »

Yes, but Where Are the Good Leads?

David Mamet has had a political conversion . . . of sorts. I remember an interview Mamet gave around the time Glengarry Glen Ross won the Pulitzer, to the effect that he found there to be many beautiful things about capitalism, which you would not have expected from the guy who seemed only to . . . . Continue Reading »

The Netherlands on High Alert—Over Movie

It seems that Geert Wilders’ fifteen-minute film on the Qur’an, called Fitna , has a few nasty things to say about the Islamic text as well as some of the atavistic ideas imported into his country. So much so that it has caused the Netherlanderisherite government (I can never remember . . . . Continue Reading »

Father Neuhaus Speaking Dates

On Tuesday, March 11, at 7:30 p.m., Father Neuhaus will be speaking at the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi in Metuchen, New Jersey, on “The Catholic as Citizen.” On Saturday, March 15, beginning at 10:30 a.m., he will be giving two Lenten recollections at the Philippine Pastoral . . . . Continue Reading »



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