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Bibles Confiscated in China

A small group of U.S. evangelists have had their Bibles confiscated at an airport in the southwestern Chinese city of Kunming—and they’re not leaving without them. Chinese officials say it’s illegal to bring into the country printed religious material beyond that required for . . . . Continue Reading »

Zucker Gores Moore

So just when you thought the right was left behind when it came to big-budget Hollywood satire, along comes David Zucker of Airplane! and Naked Gun fame to poke a little fun at none other than multimillionaire mockumentarian Michael Moore. It’s called An American Carol and stars Kelsey . . . . Continue Reading »


Imagine The Incredibles meets A Clockwork Orange . You remember The Incredibles , that Pixar sensation about the family of superheroes who are domesticated by a politically correct society that defines pluralism as an egregious egalitarianism and a uniform mediocrity. And A Clockwork Orange is, of . . . . Continue Reading »

The Word Meets Wordle

So the hottest homiletical tool seems to be a piece of software called Wordle . Cut and paste the text of your sermon into the appropriate window and Wordle creates a verbal mosaic, calling out key words in various colors and designs. (You can also try that with your denomination’s confession . . . . Continue Reading »

The Incredible Hulk, The Philokalia, and Anger Management

So Saturday I caught The Incredible Hulk (not to be confused with Ang Lee’s 2003 merely credible Hulk ). I also happened to be working my way through Volume 1 of The Philokalia , a collection of fourth- to fifteenth-century texts that exemplify Eastern Orthodox spiritual wisdom. A strange . . . . Continue Reading »

This Can’t Be Happening

M. Night Shyamalan seems determined to kill off his career. I’ll explain. In his latest film, a would-be Hitchcockian thriller called The Happening , people start killing themselves all along the Northeast corridor. (And no —Amtrak does not figure in this scenario.) It starts in Central . . . . Continue Reading »

N.T. Wright Is in the House

Arguably the most literate, witty, and truly “adult” Britcom ever broadcast was Yes, Minister and its sequel, Yes, Prime Minister . Like any good satire, it skewered both right and left, as this ongoing saga of British political hijinks is told from a bureaucrat’s point of view, . . . . Continue Reading »

Live Streaming Coverage from EWTN

of the pope’s U.S. visit can be found here . Raymond Arroyo and our own Fr. Neuhaus preside over the coverage. (It may take a few seconds to load fully. Remember the words of St. Augustine: “Patience is the companion of wisdom.” He also contended that the damned will not demerit . . . . Continue Reading »

President Bush’s and the Pope’s Remarks This Morning

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary _________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release April 16, 2008 REMARKS BY PRESIDENT BUSH AND HIS HOLINESS POPE BENEDICT XVI IN ARRIVAL CEREMONY South Lawn 10:38 A.M. EDT PRESIDENT BUSH: Holy Father, Laura and I . . . . Continue Reading »

More Issues in St. Louis (Updated)

In connection with the ongoing controversy over the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod radio station KFUO’s pulling of the popular program Issues, Etc., which has been discussed in this space as well as a host of other blogs , a prayer service and a demonstration are planned for April 13 and 14, . . . . Continue Reading »



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