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Crowe Says No to Slots

The Cinderella Man, Russell Crowe, has persuaded the board members of his rugby club to remove its 160 slot machines from the premises. “Family friendly” is how he wants it. And what Maximus Decimus Meridias wants . . . “We are not moralising here, we just believe that low-income . . . . Continue Reading »

Time’s Man of the Year: 1456

“Why We Chose Vlad” ? Fought for and won independence from Ottomans ? Championed republican values by eliminating entrenched aristocrat interest groups ? Youngest man ever to be awarded Order of the Dragon ? Although known for torturing and mutilating small animals, no history of dog . . . . Continue Reading »

We Need a Smart Candidate

Can you vote for a 1960s-model James Bond knock-off for president? If so, would you believe Steve Carell as Agent 86 in 2008? If there’s one thing our country needs right now is reliable intelligence. But then again, John Rambo has such solid foreign-policy experience. As opposed to Iron Man . . . . Continue Reading »

Save Us, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. You’re Our Only Hope.

(Note: I tried getting this on the comments board of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s new blog -but it was rejected by the moderator.) Dear Mr. President and/or Your Excellency: My friend, a native of your country, and I have been debating a very critical point that I believe only you can resolve, and . . . . Continue Reading »

Fools for Christ

Appreciative piece in the Los Angeles Times about a ragamuffin missions group and the risks its members take—even among their own. It’s too easy sometimes to poke fun at these so-called “edgy” nondenom movements, especially those that huddle under the umbrella of the emerging . . . . Continue Reading »

When Just One Lambeth Conference Isn’t Enough

I hope this doesn’t turn out to be a replay of that episode of The Office , the one about the rival Christmas parties. It would be just like Rowan Williams to hide the conservatives’ karaoke-machine power cord. Meanwhile, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori is taking it all in . . . . Continue Reading »

Kasparov Resigns

Former world chess champ and thorn in Vladimir Putin’s side Gary Kasparov has called it quits : He will not continue his bid for the Russian presidency as the ” Other Russia ” candidate. Kasparov has been a none-too-subtle critic of what he considers a thugocracy in the original . . . . Continue Reading »


If you spend more time in Starbucks than is healthy for your adrenals, read P.J. O’Rourke’s review of Taylor Clark’s Starbucked . As you might expect from Mr. O’Rourke, the critique is probably more entertaining than the book under discussion. O’Rourke gives Clark high . . . . Continue Reading »

Sci-Fi Writers and Their Gods

This appears to be a pretty exhaustive list of science fiction/fantasy writers and their religious affiliations. Note that Stephen King, whose novels and short stories are rife with Christian fundamentalist whack jobs (think Carrie , The Mist , and Misery real fast), is listed as a Methodist. And . . . . Continue Reading »

Rowan Williams Has Spoken

So the Archbishop of Canterbury has issued his Advent Letter . Just when you think he has come to some conclusion about TEC’s fragmentation, wherein entire dioceses are breaking away, his resolve devolves into mush: “I wish to pursue some professionally facilitated conversations between . . . . Continue Reading »



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