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Alan Jacobs, who has written often for First Things , always with wit and wisdom , has written this for Christianity Today . For those of us outside the Anglican Communion, it’s all too easy to wax snide about the, well, you know. Everyone knows. And that seems to be Jacobs’ point. What . . . . Continue Reading »

Notes on Charlie Wilson’s War

? If Preston Sturges or Howard Hawks had wanted to make a screwball comedy about modern American covert operations that was also a not-so-covert commentary on the current war in Iraq, Charlie Wilson’s War would have been it. ? Yes, sir—killing Russians has never been such a gas. And to . . . . Continue Reading »

Notes on Atonement

? It’s late thirties England and a little rich girl named Briony Tallis with an overlarge vocabulary and pretensions to literary greatness tells a big fat lie to the police and ruins the life of her sister’s love interest (James McAvoy) because, well, she’s got a crush on him too, . . . . Continue Reading »

Prayers of a Superstar

Over at Beliefnet , Michael Kress has a coup of an interview —one that includes audio clips—with Denzel Washington, who starred in two films this year: American Gangster and the just-released The Great Debaters —both based on true stories. Like all the Bnet interviews, which have . . . . Continue Reading »

Buying the Jesus Legend

After you’ve bought this . . . and this . . . and this . . . and this thingee . . . definitely buy this . In The Jesus Legend, Doctors Paul Rhodes Eddy, professor of biblical and theological studies at Bethel University, and Gregory A. Boyd, senior pastor of Woodland Hills Church in St. Paul, . . . . Continue Reading »

And a Very Merry Gulag to You

Let me see if I understand the T-shirt on the right correctly: Don’t buy that Christmas gift and thereby perpetuate the consumerist mentality. Do obliterate the lumpenproletariat, terrorize the masses, and establish a one-party dictatorship. All by Christmas morning? I went out and bought 11 . . . . Continue Reading »

Arnold Terminates Relationship with Fed

So, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (I still can’t get used to saying that) is going to sue the federal government for standing in his way on setting Californicentric emission-control standards. According to a former Schwarzenegger adviser: “He’s got a pretty strong personality, . . . . Continue Reading »

Notes on I Am Legend

? So a putative cure for cancer unleashes a deadly virus that wipes out 90 percent of mankind and sets loose a gaggle of vampires to devour whomever’s left. My primary-care physician had to have been a consultant on this thing . . . Has his M.O. written all over it . . . ? How on earth did . . . . Continue Reading »

The Four and a Half Worthies

The blog Canterbury Tales has this list of the Nine Worthies, broken down into three categories: Pagan, Hebrew, and Christian. Imagine different categories, with more contemporary examples: Atheist George Orwell George Bernard Shaw Bjørk Spiritualist/New Age Edgar Cayce Deepak Chopra . . . . Continue Reading »



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