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It’s Huckabee in Iowa

So says CNN. Or the Knitting Channel. I forget which . . . UPDATE: It’s Obama on the Dem side. This from MSNBC. “A projectile victory,” Chris Matthews calls it. Whatever . . . So is it all over now? Do we have a president? I can never figure out how this works. More important, . . . . Continue Reading »

A Farce of One

Why is everyone doing a Kevin Bacon on poor Chuck Norris ? It’s not like Jack Nicholson or Warren Beatty or Bruce Springsteen is about to come out for Huckabee. And Norris is more than just a movie and TV star: The born-again Christian, U.S. Air Force veteran, and Professional Full-Contact . . . . Continue Reading »

We Three Kings of Orient Buy

Mollie Hemingway has a report from the Christian holiday war front . Ours is a strange culture. Wasn’t it five minutes ago that Wal-Mart and Best Buy were banning “Merry Christmas” for fear of the pitter-patter of little ACLU jack-booties? But give a Christian holiday an ethnic . . . . Continue Reading »

A Pitch Even Dale Carnegie Would Loathe

Chris Lehmann over at Slate has a review of Joel Osteen’s Become a Better You . He doesn’t much care for it: “There’s, of course, nothing inherently suspect or dishonorable about seeking uplift and consolation in the Bible. But the point of those ‘deep theological . . . . Continue Reading »

Yes, but Does It Come in Chocolate?

Baylor University is the largest Baptist university in the world . Lest anyone charge the institution with resting on such laurels, it will soon become the first university in the world to offer a vaccine for cocaine addiction . Just one inoculation and your brain on drugs will look just like your . . . . Continue Reading »

I Hate When That Happens

As Big Daddy liked to say: mendacity , she-e-e-er mendacity . This is why eBay is so popular. You just can’t trust these big auction houses anymore . . . Tonsure twirl to James Taranto . . . . . Continue Reading »

Predictions for 2008 has a list of predictions for 2008 . Rick Santorum bets that global-warming fever cools, and Ray Flynn calls the November contenders: Clinton vs. McCain. My one prediction for the new year: Oliver Stone will, in fact, be kidnapped in Colombia . This act of terrorism will soon . . . . Continue Reading »

Urgent Religion News

A deeply Christian town has waylaid the Antichrist and postponed the Apocalypse by ditching its area code . “In God We Trust” now has a prominent place on money no one uses . Malaysia has issued a permit allowing Christians and Muslims to share Allah . (Unclear what fees are involved.) . . . . Continue Reading »

George Müller at the Close of the Giving Season

What did he know of statistical randomness and probability theories, chance mutations and genetic predispositions? He prayed. George Müller prayed. And there was a knock at the door, and there stood a stranger, as if compelled, with a bagful of food. The children would not go hungry that . . . . Continue Reading »

A Not So Tiny Wit

Robert Benchley was an American original. An original what, I have no idea. Some say humorist. But he was more than that. He was also a first-rate pedagogue. Consider his Academy Award-winning short film How to Sleep . Thought you could sleep before? You fool . . . I started picking through my worn . . . . Continue Reading »



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