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. . . from jury duty, but not before witnessing this exchange between the judge and a recent graduate from law school. Judge: Can you be a fair and impartial juror on this case? Potential Juror: No. Judge: Why not? Potential Juror: Because I’m against crime. Now I would have followed up with: . . . . Continue Reading »

Keith Olbermann: The Worst Person in the World

Well, that’s not really my call. But Olbermann thinks nothing of electing candidates for the title on his unwatchable, histrionic TV show. Most recently, he decided that the worst person in the WORLD is Wendy Wright , president of Concerned Women for America (CWA) . Even if CWA is not your . . . . Continue Reading »

Coens to Go Heavy on the Marinara

So the Coen Brothers, currently responsible for one of the most overrated films in release today , are working on a spaghetti western . For those unfamiliar with this subgenre, it is composed of “westerns” made by Italian directors, mostly in the 1960s, that have some fun with the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Future Is Now

. . . and it’s incredibly annoying. Paul McCain over at his Cyberbrethren blog hearts Amazon’s Kindle. It seems that the days of the paper book, periodical, and newspaper are numbered. Feh! I remember when they said 8-track tapes were doomed. My 8-tracks work just fine THANK YOU VERY . . . . Continue Reading »

Jury Duty

So the jury administrator cries out: “If anyone has a problem with the English language, please step up and form a line here.” So I raised my hand and said, “Yeah, I have a problem with the English language: ough —what’s up with that? I mean, bought, through, dough . . . . Continue Reading »

$60 Billion and Bored as Beans

One of the talking-head morning shows has predicted that N.Y. Mayor Michael Bloomberg will announce his candidacy for the presidency in April. Pat Buchanan says he will only hurt Clinton/Obama and help the GOP by putting New York into play. If Bloomberg becomes president, you will not be able to . . . . Continue Reading »

Anne Rice, Call Your Office

Protesters in Gaza say President Bush is a vampire . But a recent study proves that vampires don’t exist . Therefore, President Bush doesn’t exist. In which case, it’s foolish for Palestinians to get so riled up. I’m so confused. . . . . Continue Reading »


The Dutch have stopped growing . Holy jumping dust bunnies! Where does your candidate stand on this? (If he or she is stumping in the Netherlands, probably on a box.) By way of Slate . . . . . Continue Reading »



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