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Yes—but Is Bruce Willis Still for Fred?

Now that Ah-nold has endorsed John McCain , we eagerly await John McClane’s alter ego to fill out the Planet Hollywood trifecta. (Sylvester Stallone effectively came out for McCain during an interview promoting his most recent gorefest.) We know Chuck Norris is in the Huckabee camp, but . . . . Continue Reading »

Karl Barth, Blogger

Or is that bloggers who blog about Karl Barth ? In any event, there’s a second annual conference scheduled for June, and Der Evangelische Theologe is calling for digital papers. Imagine, though, if Barth did have a blog. “Scientific dogmatics must devote itself to the criticism and . . . . Continue Reading »

Another Reason Not to Watch The Simpsons

. . . may be this . People are aghast when I tell them I have never seen a single episode of the cartoon, which seems to have been on since Uncle Miltie was causing gender confusion back in the days when doctors did cigarette commercials. And my resistance is by no means due to some anti-TV . . . . Continue Reading »

Why Is There Nothing Instead of Something?

I commute to work on the NYC subway system every day, a routine no longer subject to the provisions enumerated in the UN Convention Against Torture owing to a jurisdiction dispute. One of the ways the Transit Authority mollifies those of us trapped into favoring it with our custom is to post . . . . Continue Reading »

Evolution vs. Atheism

This is a recording of a Norton Lecture delivered by Dr. Alvin Plantinga on October 25 of last year. Here he lays out why there is deep discord between science and naturalism, or atheism. The argument goes (in super-simplified form) that, while Christians believe that one of the signal . . . . Continue Reading »

Online Book Chat

So a Book TV-type chat show for the Web is scheduled to debut, called Titlepage. When I first saw the headline and who the host was going to be, I thought maybe the site was going to serve as an auction block for new books—publishers read the first chapter on their laptops and ask to see more, . . . . Continue Reading »

For Those Considering Junior Fellowships

A junior fellow who shall remain nameless (Nathaniel Peters, graduate of Swarthmore College, photo and other identifying marks to follow) forwarded this YouTube video to me with extreme prejudice. I don’t get it . . . the gentleman in the red jersey obviously enjoys an intense work ethic and . . . . Continue Reading »

Canon Fire

I’ve been following the somewhat acrimonious debate over the extent of the biblical canon and the place of the Apocrypha in it that has been taking place between some Reformed (James White, William Webster, and James Swan) and Catholic folk (Gary Michuta and Steven K. Ray) on their respective . . . . Continue Reading »

Notes on Cloverfield

? So I was expecting The Blair Witch Project Meets Godzilla vs. Mothra with a fairly decent (read: lousy) “undead slasher chases teens in their underwear” flick thrown in for good measure. Another way of saying, something not so good. ? But Cloverfield wasn’t half bad. It was . . . . Continue Reading »

E.T. Needs G.P.S.

You have to love the headline: “Military Now Says . . . ” Yeah, right. We’re onto the military and their filthy lies. First they unleash The Mist . Then they silence Dennis Kucinich . Now they’re guiding alien intelligence out of Texas airspace and into another space-time . . . . Continue Reading »



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