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While America’s eyes are glued to the sad spectacle of the 2016 presidential primaries, the situation north of the border is becoming equally desperate, if for other reasons. So eager is the Liberal Party of Canada to become the Party of Death that its majority on the Special Committee on Physician-Assisted Dying (PDAM) has recommended to Parliament a euthanasia regime open even to mature minors and to the mentally ill, and requiring effective referral from conscientious objectors. Justin Trudeau (he whom Nixon predicted would someday become Prime Minister) and his cabinet are now engaged in the process of drafting legislation to be hurried through the House before the court-imposed June deadline. The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) issued a stern response to the report, calling it completely unacceptable, though it stopped short of observing that the acronym PDAM requires a final N. What follows is a letter to the Conference president, delivered earlier this week, that explains how I see the situation and certain steps that I think the Church should take. Ora pro nobis.

Click here to read the letter in PDF form.

Douglas Farrow is Professor of Christian Thought at McGill University and the author of Desiring a Better Country.

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