The latest issue of Participatio takes up the relation of the work of the Scottish theologian T. F. Torrance and Orthodoxy. The very rich (and thick) volume includes a biographical essay, a personal memoir by one of Torrance’s students, now an Orthodox priest; nine substantial papers on subjects like St. Athanasius, the Divine Monarchia, and the rationality of the cosmos ; a review of the letters between Torrance and Georges Florovsky; and two articles by Torrance himself, “The Relevance of Orthodoxy” and “The Orthodox Church in Great Britain.”
Participatio is the journal of the T. F. Torrance Theological Fellowship. “The society exists,” explains its website, “to promote and sustain fellowship and truthseeking (fides quaerens intellectum) in theological reflection upon the Christian faith, within the mainstream of the Christian Church and tradition in light of the theological legacy of Thomas F. Torrance.” The editors of the journal and the member of the fellowship’s board are given on page iii of the latest issue.