That’s “What Would James Madison Read?”
Well, presidency scholar Benjamin Kleinerman says it would be The Contested Removal Power :
I would venture to say that this is one of the few books emerging out of American political science in the last thirty years which James Madison would have both read and enjoyed.
I haven’t read it yet, but I have discussed it plenty of times with my friend and soon-to-be pomocon blogger Flagg Taylor, one of its co-authors.
And I’d say, despite the apparently dry title, this book just might be the proper preparation for the Great Impeachment Debates of the year 2022.
Well, who knows, but it does seem likely that our understanding of the removal power is likely to move more to the front-and-center of future constitutional controversies, as efforts to restrain the powers of the Presidency and the Bureaucracy are likely to grow more heated, whichever party is in power.
But Kleinerman can tell you all about it , and the idea that Jemmy would take to it is certainly attractive.