Ross Perlin has a fascinating ” postcard from Tibet ” at Harper’s in which he discovers a mountain village with both culturally integrated Catholicism and good red wine: When I showed up in the village of Dimaluo, one valley over from the Trung, I was hoping to find a guide for . . . . Continue Reading »
In today’s column , Pete Spiliakos responds to R.R. Reno’s ” Our Challenges ” from the August/September issue with some practical suggestions: Aside from the policy problems, the over-identification of faith with one party damages the appeal of the faith itself. There are . . . . Continue Reading »
Today, July 25, marks the 45th anniversary of the promulgation of Humanae Vitae by Pope Paul VI. As many in the Catholic world had been expecting the Church to permit contraception under certain circumstances thanks to many perhaps well-meaning but shortsighted clergy and theologians, the . . . . Continue Reading »
At the National Catholic Reporter , Michael Sean Winters misspells my name and misunderstands my column. According to Winters, I—-or at least a certain Mr. “Donio”—-try to twist Pope Francis into the kind of Catholic neo-con who, well, the kind who reads . . . . Continue Reading »
Islam’s Medieval Underworld Smithsonian You Can’t Have Jesus Without the Christ Anthony Sacramone, Strange Herring John Newton’s Amazing Grace Carl Cannon, RealClearReligion “Libertarian Populism” Should Look to Anthropology James Poulos, Forbes Of Mormonish and . . . . Continue Reading »
[caption id=”” align=”aligncenter” width=”500”] Mosaic in S. Costanza, Rome [/caption] Here’s a puzzle. The mosaic in this photo is in Romes Santa Costanza, a lovely fourth-century church with some of the oldest surviving Christian art. The . . . . Continue Reading »
In his On the Square this morning, Edward Feser tackles the questions of nothingness as they emerge in contemporary philosophy and theoretical physics: John Leslie and Robert Lawrence Kuhn have published The Mystery of Existence: Why Is There Anything At All? , a very useful . . . . Continue Reading »
In today’s column , George Weigel explains that religious freedom should be a primary concern of American foreign policy. Not only is this a question of the first human freedom, it makes pragmatic sense for Washington: Religious freedom advances the cause of peace, for countries that . . . . Continue Reading »
Are pro-lifers wrong to speak of the “unborn child”? A reader annoyed with Ramesh Ponnuru’s use of the phrase wrote him, saying, “There is no child until birth. Late in pregnancy the fetus may have some moral status but it is still not a child.” Ramesh replied: “Merriam-Webster’s . . . . Continue Reading »
A couple of weeks ago, I boarded a New Jersey Transit train near my home to go to Newark airport. From my seat near the rear of the car, I saw a poster with a photograph of five pretty young women of various ethnic and racial backgrounds, all smiling and laughing. Above the photo the poster read, . . . . Continue Reading »