Is religious freedom only for individuals or does it also have a communal dimension? Timothy George writes: The Southern Baptist Convention was right to pass a resolution at its annual meeting in Houston this month defining religious liberty as the freedom of the individual to live in . . . . Continue Reading »
To be commended to your regular attention is the Get Religion site , the very useful and unique site that pursues what it calls “holy ghosts” , the traces and hints of religion in mainstream news stories and analyzes the major media’s treatment (sometimes good, but often clueless . . . . Continue Reading »
Or maybe more accurately a sabbath. The Sabbath is a very good thing, religious meaning aside, argues an Israeli writer in Why secular Jews need Shabbat . We need, he argues, a special day, a regular day set aside “when we do not work, do not earn a living, do not conduct business or add to our . . . . Continue Reading »
The Vatican has approved the the last miracle needed to confirm John Paul II’s sainthood, says the Italian news agency ANSA . All that’s needed is a signature from Pope Francis. The process of declaring former pope John Paul II a saint took a major step forward Tuesday, when the board . . . . Continue Reading »
“Often referred to as the ‘most conservative’ of the Supreme Court jurists, [Antonin] Scalia spends part of his Windsor dissent arguing in defense of what used to be considered a most ‘liberal’ notion,” says Elizabeth Scalia in today’s column , . . . . Continue Reading »
In a recent New York Times piece, Judy Nicastro referred to the abortion of one of her twins conceived through I.V.F., who she was told would have malformed organs: We made sure our son was not born only to suffer. He died in a warm and loving place, inside me. “This . . . . . . . Continue Reading »
Willa Cather: A Hidden Voice Hermione Lee, New York Review of Books The Esau Syndrome Howard Kainz, Catholic Thing Is Absolute Secularity Conceivable? Simon During, Immanent Frame Medieval Pet Names Medievalists Scalia’s Literary Dissent Micah Mattix, American Spectator . . . . Continue Reading »
[caption id=”” align=”aligncenter” width=”480”] The Crisscross-Applesauce Position (NYT) [/caption] An update on a case I wrote about in May: a California state court has ruled that including yoga in an elementary school phys ed program . . . . Continue Reading »
at The Atlantic: . . . As a psychology researcher whod published articles in scientific journals, some covered in the popular press, I knew that many scientific findings differ significantly from what the public hears about them. Soon after my second wedding, I decided to go to the source: I . . . . Continue Reading »