Isaac Chotiner explains that the expressed desire/hope/prediction of many liberals that the Boston bombers turn out to be white non-Muslims was based on a “reasoned reactions to a society that is still full of racism and bigotry” and that “in times of national emergency or stress, . . . . Continue Reading »
on his recent study, which seems relevant to several posts here in the past few months: Studies on faith-based campuses are beginning to offer a glimpse into the real experience of sexual minority students in these unique settings. This study adds to this growing body of information by surveying . . . . Continue Reading »
A bit of church trivia: In The Man Who Rewrote Bunyan , Christopher Howse writes of Percy Dearmer “a strange cove, but an energetic one” who “combined the visionary and practical,” notably in his Parson’s Handbook who was, kind of, the . . . . Continue Reading »
Poet George Green isn’t somebody I’d want to meet in the Muse’s dark alley. If his wonderful new book of poetry, Lord Byron’s Foot , is any indication, he swings a mean verbal broadsword. Here’s a short poem. It’s part of a series titled “Warhol’s . . . . Continue Reading »
So naturally I’m envious that Ken Masugi and John Presnall made major contributions to BIG BANG STUDIES before I could get around to posting on the show. And all I have time to do today is to give some random notes. 1. THE BIG BANG THEORY is a network show. That means the continuity is better . . . . Continue Reading »
The Pythagorean Temptation James Matthew Wilson, Front Porch Republic Sheer Hart Attack: Morality, Rationality, and Theology Edward Feser, Public Discourse Is Abundance the Solution? The Case for Less Tim Wu, New Republic Maurice Williamson’s Nihilistic Beat Andre van Heerden, NZ Catholic . . . . Continue Reading »
A few days ago, I wrote about the persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt and the failure of many in the West to recognize it for what it is. The Arab Spring has made the Copts’ situation even more unsafe than it used to be. The Muslim Brotherhood is even less concerned . . . . Continue Reading »
Don’t believe Peter Lawler’s self-deprecation . He actually has way more twitter followers than I do. As well he should. I seem to have lost the ability to write at less than essay(ish) length. But even if I can’t add much to twitter, I can still enjoy . . . . Continue Reading »
As the hugely successful CBS sitcom Big Bang Theory moves toward the conclusion of its sixth season, I thought Id link to Ken Masugis recent blog post on the show. In it he relates this intelligent and funny show to some of the philosophic concerns of modernity as discussed in James V. . . . . Continue Reading »