The horrors continue to emerge from the trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell. One baby, who was likely full term , screamed after being delivered during an attempted abortion. Some women delivered their children into toilets; snipping the necks of these infants was, according to one employee, standard procedure .
How could Gosnell and his employees do such things? One woman explained that she called the babies specimens, since it was easier to deal with mentally. Another pleaded the Nuremberg defense , telling the jury, I only do what Im told to do. What I was told to do was snip their neck.
And how did Gosnell’s clinic, which opened in 1979, get away with its crimes for so long? Because, according to the 2011 grand jury report , the Pennsylvania Department of Health abruptly decided [in the early 1990s], for political reasons, to stop inspecting abortion clinics at all. Under a new pro-choice governor, officials concluded that inspections would be ‘putting a barrier up to women’ seeking abortions. Though direct complaints were still supposed to be investigated, the many complaints about Gosnell were not.
As the same report points out, even nail salons in Pennsylvania are monitored more closely for client safety. And so the tragedies and absurdities of our pro-choice regime were allowed to multiply.