Karl Rove has a new scam plan to vaccum money from gullible donors who don’t know that he is out of touch save the Republican party. Rove’s super-PAC is supposedly going to help “electable” Republicans against unelectable Tea Party insurgents. Who knew that the problem was . . . . Continue Reading »
Those of us who are fans of pro football don’t want to think about the subject of this article on sex trafficking as we prepare to enjoy the Super Bowl, but we must. The scale of the trafficking of women—-often girls—-into sexual slavery and other forms of exploitation in . . . . Continue Reading »
Objection 1. God doesn’t care who wins the Super Bowl. For sporting events are “of the world,” and God calls us out of the world to share even now in his divine life. Objection 2. If God did care who wins the Super Bowl, he would be sucked into the world’s rabid . . . . Continue Reading »
Matt Lewis writes over at the Daily Caller: Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and conservative new media outlets are powerful, to be sure but can they compete with the evening news, the New York Times, and Hollywood, etc.? I don’t think that is quite the right way to think of it. Fox . . . . Continue Reading »
This has been a busy law-and-religion news week in the United States, but there was a major story at the European Court of Human Rights as well. On Wednesday, the Grand Chamber heard argument in Fernández Martínez v. Spain , a case that could have major implications for church autonomy in . . . . Continue Reading »
So the Texas State Legislature is considering a law allowing conceal and carry of firearms on the campuses of public schools. Faculty, students, administration, and staff would be eligible to conceal and carry. If the law passes, Im considering taking the license for myself, even though I . . . . Continue Reading »
reports: While you vowed to stick together for richer and poorer, what happens day to day in between these two extremes is probably what matters most. And your employment status may be the most telling harbinger of divorce. Research conducted at the University of Ohio and published by the American . . . . Continue Reading »
At a conference where I spoke this week, the question came up again: Why would you call yourself a gay Christian? Others have posted about thisIm thinking of Joshua Gonnerman and Melinda Selmys and Eve Tushnet but I never have, so heres my brief take . . . . Continue Reading »
The Obama Administration has proposed new regulations that purport to accommodate some of the concerns voiced by religious organizations in response to its original attempt to mandate that virtually all health insurance plans offer contraceptive coverage free of charge. You can read or download the . . . . Continue Reading »
¿Serías capaz de perdonarlo? Could you forgive him? Director of the Centro Católico Multimedial, Fr. P. Sergio Omar Sotelo Aguilar, S.S.P., premiered the first chapter of his film Hermano Narco on Sunday in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico City as part of a . . . . Continue Reading »