Theres an important Angelo Codevilla essay in Forbes : As Country Club Republicans Link Up With The Democratic Ruling Class, Millions Of Voters Are Orphaned . Not sure if I agree of his analysis of the Republican Party, which is obviously the main point of the essay, but I do agree with . . . . Continue Reading »
Remi Brague is no stranger to PomoCon and First Things readers. So it goes with saying that he is one of the most brilliant and knowledgeable thinkers and writers living today. His immense erudition, his intense study, and his mastery of Greek philosophy, as well as medieval Islamic, Jewish, and . . . . Continue Reading »
This evening I was at a local Republican Party Lincoln Day dinner. The keynote speaker was Ted Cruz. He was good. He was really good. The essence of his message was hope and good news. I’d say his message was about hope and change, but I think that phrase has been taken and tarnished. That . . . . Continue Reading »
1. So the sequester was the Obama team’s idea and, if the sequester actually happens, a plurality of the public is going to blame the Republicans. 2. Sequester, fiscal cliff, debt ceiling. Do any of these terms have any meaning to the average person? 3. Obama got a bunch of tax increases with the . . . . Continue Reading »
Read it here . It’s a lot like my version. But it adds Jim Stoner’s semi-Thomistic Declaration to the mix—a fine addition. The idea of ORDERED LIBERTY as the compromise behind our Declaration’s compromise is also a compelling addition. Trditionalists, Darwinians, and . . . . Continue Reading »
Ever wonder why I’m not a PORCHER or am soft on TACO BELL and WAFFLE HOUSE. It could be because ME and my people are ADDICTED TO COKE. The NYT reports : In an effort to control as much market share as possible, Coke extended its aggressive marketing to especially poor or vulnerable areas of . . . . Continue Reading »
Recently, Naomi Cahn and Jane Carbone, the authors of Red Families v. Blue Families had an article in Slate criticizing pro-lifers for an increase in single-parent families. They argue that the religious culture in many southern and midwestern states makes women less likely to choose abortion when . . . . Continue Reading »
Responding to my earlier post , Greg Forster writes : The number of people in the world who are capable of doing a good job running Apple or Exxon or Wal-Mart is extremely small; the consequences of those companies being poorly run would be catastrophic for millions of people; therefore the . . . . Continue Reading »
New York City residents have lots to worry about. The citys outstanding debt exceeds $100 billion. The interest alone exceeds $6 billion annually. The citys tax base continues to shrink as businesses, fed up with New Yorks high rates, flee to lower-tax . . . . Continue Reading »