Elizabeth Scalia on the Republicans atomic stupidity :
The GOP, even if they could figure out exactly what they want and then rouse themselves to something resembling tenacity, has no equivalent support, and would therefore be unable to successfully bring about their policy ideas by using Obamas methods. As a college professor once informed me in bright red ink, you cannot do mathematics if you dont have all the numbers, and any reconfiguration on the part of the GOP must acknowledge that, currently, the essential component of the press is unavailable to them; hence, their math will not work . . .
Also today, Nicholas Frankovich on fatherhood after Christmas :
Call no one on earth your father, Jesus teaches, for you have one father, who is in heaven. But the meaning of father would evaporate if there were no men to whom we could apply the term even in scare quotes. Traditional churches in particular act on that understanding. The Eastern Orthodox have patriarchs. Catholics have the Holy Father in Rome. They address their priests as Father.