For one week at least, First Thoughts wasn’t the only blog where readers could find a more than occasional and passing defense of what has come to be called “traditional” marriage. That thanks to the editors of Ricochet , where Ryan T. Anderson devoted a post each day to a different aspect of the marriage debate, which readers can find linked below:
Marriage Matters, Ryan T. Anderson. Ricochet , December 10, 2012.
So, What Is Marriage? Ryan T. Anderson. Ricochet , December 11, 2012.
Why Is Government in the Marriage Business? Ryan T. Anderson. Ricochet , December 12, 2012.
Monogamy, Exclusivity, and Permanence? Ryan T. Anderson. Ricochet , December 13, 2012.
The Future of Marriage, Ryan T. Anderson. Ricochet , December 14, 2012.
Ryan also had a helpful post in NRO in which he argues that opponents of gay marriage are Not Dead Yet —-and particularly that there are still many young skeptics of the proposal.