Elizabeth Scalia on whether the Catholic Church is suppressing the will of God :
The editorial board of the National Catholic Reporter this week endorsed the ordination of women. Basing its position on a conclusion reached in 1976 by the Pontifical Biblical Commission, on countless conversations in parish halls, lecture halls and family gatherings, and on the supposed support of myriad unnamed, anonymous bishops, the Reporter calls for the Catholic church to correct this unjust teaching.
James R. Rogers does the math on religious affiliation :
In the forthcoming issue of the journal Sociology of Religion , sociologist Philip Schwadel reports that between 1974 and 2010, the probability of reporting a strong religious affiliation declined considerably among Catholics in the U.S. and increased among evangelical Protestants. The thing is, this is not necessarily quite the bad news it might sound to be for Catholics, and not quite the good news it might sound to be for Evangelicals.