George Weigel on the campaign between “Burke” and “Hobbes” :
You likely think, gentle reader, that the 2012 presidential race is a contest between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. That, of course, is true, insofar as the names on our Nov. 6 ballots go. But the 2012 race for the White House is something more, something more profoundsomething with deeper historical roots in modernitys wrestling with political power and how that power contributes to the common good.
Also today, Colleen Reiss Vermeulen on the New Evangelization and the Wesley brothers :
What do Charles and John Wesley have to teach Catholics in the United States about the New Evangelization? With the release of Disciples Called to Witness: The New Evangelization (USCCB, 2012) and the Catholic Churchs upcoming synod on the New Evangelization, these two ministers seem as relevant as ever to how we think about evangelization in the modern world.