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1.  Ryan made a strong case against the Obama economy without coming across as either mean spirited or self-interested.  Ryan also did a good job of framing the election as a referendum against crony capitalism and corporate welfare.  It’s not for nothing that this guy is a former speechwriter.

2.  The facts that every Romney-Ryan supporter needs to memorize and repeat at every opportunity:  The Ryan budget spends just as much on Medicare as the Obama budget.  The Ryan budget keeps traditional Fee For Service Medicare for those who want that option. The Ryan budget also allows future seniors to have choices of other plans that might offer the same or better service at a lower price.  The Obama budget just cuts Medicare spending centrally and leaves future working-class and middle-class seniors with no realistic options other than just taking what the centralized rationing board chooses to give them (or not give them as the case may be.)

3.  And something else that can’t be repeated enough:  It isn’t just that the Obama budget raises taxes.  The Obama budget raises taxes and cuts Medicare.  And it isn’t just that the Obama budget raises taxes and cuts Medicare.  It is that the Obama budget raises taxes, cuts Medicare and still leaves us on the path to national bankruptcy.   This isn’t a bad starting place for Romney-Ryan.

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