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First, he said that a man should divorce his wife with Alzheimer’s. Now, he says we shouldn’t adopt the needy children of the world.  But he supports orphanages.  Good grief!

Update: Reader Ken thinks I done Pat wrong, that he was only saying he understood why men wouldn’t want to date a woman who had adopted three foreign children, not that he opposed adoptions. But I disagree.

Watch the flow of his comment: Yes, he starts with that, but then he moves on. He references his friend who had a son from Columbia who “grew up weird” and goes on to discuss his own attitudes,  “WE’VE ministered to orphans all over the world...We love orphans.  We love helping people. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean I want to take all the orphans in the world into my home.” He opposes foreign adoptions because of the potential troubles they bring with them for the adopting parents (and implied, society). I don’t see any other way to look at the comment in its totality.  But all can judge for yourselves.

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