Leroy Huizenga on how fishing reconnects him to creation :
Fishing is my means of reentry. If time on the computers is largely my mind absorbing pixels, then fishing is how I bring my body back into play with nature. Fishing takes our nature as bodies situated within creation seriously. I suppose other things Id heartily recommend would work well for others seeking reentry into the reality of material creationcooking, oenophilia, gardening.
Also today, John M. Thorpe, Jr. MD and Clarke Forsythe on what the WHO’s document on preterm births leaves out :
Unfortunately, one significant, and modifiable, risk factor for preterm birth was completely ignored by the WHO report: prior termination of pregnancy. There is a large and growing body of scientific data documenting this risk factor for pre-term birth. More than 120 peer-reviewed studies, from more than a dozen countries, have found a statistically significant increased risk of preterm birth or low-birth weight after a termination of pregnancy.