Joe Knippenberg brought this Mike Gerson column to my attention. Gerson argues that conservatives are going to have accommodate to the fact that younger voters are less religious and less culturally conservative than younger age cohorts. Here are some only somewhat on point responses . . . . Continue Reading »
Oh dear. Carl Elliot, a bioethics professor, has written a blistering critique of his own field in the Chronicles of Higher Education. Elliot is angry because Pfizer has created a fellowship in bioethics and has takers, which he views as fraternizing with the . . . . Continue Reading »
Here’s a report about Danish teens using modern Vampire stories as platforms to think of spiritual matters. Given their immense popularity in the U.S., I also think that these stories can be drawn on to consider theological concepts with teens (and teens at heart) such as the Real Presence in the . . . . Continue Reading »
Over at Books & Culture , Halee Scott reviews Craig G. Bartholomew’s Where Mortals Dwell —a book on the importance of place in Christian theology. I won’t rehash all of her points, but this struck me: Bartholomew notes that place has a formative influence on . . . . Continue Reading »
On the cover of this week’s Time magazine, we see a mother breastfeeding her son of nearly four years. In my book, that’s too old for a child to breastfeed. What I’m really worried about, though, isn’t the child’s age. It’s the baring of a breast on the . . . . Continue Reading »
The Ashbrook Center blog No Left Turns is calling it a day . All good things must come to an end, and good internet things sometimes must come to an end sooner. It is not too anthropomorphic to say that, along with the original James Poulos-authored Postmodern Conservative, No Left Turns was the . . . . Continue Reading »
There has been a lot of chatter in the more traditional quarters of the Catholic web over the leaking of letters between the bishops of the Society of St. Pius X. Bishop Bernard Fellay, the head of the society and the man who has been leading discussions about its reconciliation with Rome, follows . . . . Continue Reading »
The always-formidable Rich Lowry of National Review has penned a most glorious sentence, well actually, it’s a clause. Here’s the build-up to it, in his recent column arguing against the supposed inevitability of gay marriage: “ . . . Nation-wide, no referendum simply upholding . . . . Continue Reading »
Allison Peller on the photography of Lia Chavez : Our lives are centered and built upon innumerable complex relationships, which subconsciously we are constantly analyzing, changing, and developing. Although these moments of cross-examination frequently remain unacknowledged, they are the driving . . . . Continue Reading »
The British Medical Journal reports that Canadian doctors are seeking Canadian Supreme Court authority to withdraw wanted life-extending treatment. From the May 10, 2012 story (abstract only):Canada’s Supreme Court will next week consider an appeal from two Canadian doctors who . . . . Continue Reading »