Russell E. Saltzman on the high cost of weddings :
The percentages, based only on this mans intuition, are the proper numbers to use ascertaining what people spend on a wedding, the ninety-nine being relative to the one. Weddings for the ninety-nine percent, well, they are cheap. Inexpensive may be a better word. Frugal might work too.
Also today, Betsy VanDenBerghe on cohabitation, marriage, and Brangelina :
A two-thirds majority in a University of Virginia poll agreed that moving in together before marriage [is] a good way to avoid divorce. Are all of these social scientists indefatigably collecting their longitudinal, cross-national, rigorous research working in a complete vacuum? But I digress. The good news is that an essay refuting the cohabitation prophylaxis theory appeared in the Gray Lady and, one way or another, the facts will inevitably emerge.