I stick by my contention that Gingrich lost the Monday debate. Alongside my impressions, I see that:
1. Gingrich is talking like a loser. I’ve seen him talk about the debate by
a) Whining that the media didn’t let the crowd applaud. I guess he isn’t such a tough guy when he isn’t getting instant validation from the roars of hundreds. That and his tantrums just look like . . . tantrums.
b) Saying his passive performance was a ploy to let everyone see how desperate Romney is.
c) Saying he is really going to give it Romney in the next debate. Just you watch.
2. The CNN/ORC poll show Gingrich’s numbers dropping off. Some of the decline happened before the debate, but I think Gingrich feels like the story is turning. It is just one poll, but I suspect it is getting at something real. Since his support is built more on his debate performances than his principles, policies, or character, he knows that if he is seen as losing a debate, he isn’t much.