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First Links - 11.23.11

Saving Africa National Review Online , Kathryn Jean Lopez Vatican pledges legal action against Benetton over doctored pope-kissing-imam ad CNN , Dan Gilgoff The urgent need for biblical literacy Baptist Press , Ed Stetzer Rome, Sweet Rome: Could a Single Marine Unit Destroy the Roman Empire? . . . . Continue Reading »

The Galveston Plan Keeps Coming Up

In recent debates both Cain and Gingrich have brought up the “Galveston Plan” as the proper manner to deal with public pensions obligations. Apparently what a second rate town populated with people fleeing their own pasts who are smart enough to hold out for themselves in their own . . . . Continue Reading »

Credit Where Due

I think Gingrich had a better answer on immigration policy than Romney.  But better isn’t necessarily politically prudent.  The line on Gingrich is now going to be that he is for amnesty.  Not just that.  He is going to be the pro-federal health insurance purchase . . . . Continue Reading »

Very Quick PATRIOT Act Thought

The Gingrich/Paul exchange on the PATRIOT Act was entertaining and all, but did any one notice any particular policy issue in dispute?  One guy was talking about the PATRIOT Act helping prevent the destruction of a city and the other guy was talking about it violating our rights.  . . . . Continue Reading »

Levin on Constitutional Conservatism

Yuval Levin offers a characteristically learned and thoughtful account of the great political divide of our day: The difference between these two kinds of liberalism—constitutionalism grounded in humility about human nature and progressivism grounded in utopian expectations—is a crucial . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

In her latest On the Square column , Elizabeth Scalia notes that niceness isn’t always a virtue: Lately I have noticed in some of my acquaintances the development of a very grave and solemn habit, indeed—a tendency to expect niceness in everyone they meet, particularly in professed . . . . Continue Reading »

FDA Decision on Avastin Seems Correct

The FDA has withdrawn approval for the use of Avastin to treat advanced terminal breast cancer as a life extender.  I wrote about this earlier, when the FDA decision was preliminary, suggesting that the benefit of the doubt should probably be given to keeping the drug approved.  I stated . . . . Continue Reading »



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