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First Links - 11.28.11

Where Have All the Catholic Writers Gone? The Millions , Robert Fay Air Force Academy adapts to pagans, druids, witches and Wiccans Los Angeles Times , Jenny Deam Sexual Abuse and Moral Indifference Public Discourse , Mary Graw Leary Father’s presence cuts delinquency rates Herald Sun , . . . . Continue Reading »

‘And with your spirit’

Yesterday, the first sunday in Advent, our English-speaking Roman Catholic brethren began using a newly revised liturgy that is closer to the Latin texts than the previous 1973 version in use for nearly four decades. Liturgy Training Publications has posted a comparison of the two texts for those . . . . Continue Reading »

Thoughts On Romneynomics

Carl asked that I give Romney’s economic plan the same treatment I gave Gingrich.  Okay.  Here is a quick summary of what I think: 1.  Romney’s 59 point plan isn’t that bad or good. It doesn’t include huge new programs or include tax cuts that will blow a hole . . . . Continue Reading »

Ceaser the Poet

On the naturalness of gratitude (as obscured by not obliterated by our pursuit of rational control): Many thinkers today contend that there has been a steepdecline in the ethos of gratitude in modern America, citing as causes failuresin civic education and a diminishing influence of religion. In . . . . Continue Reading »



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