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Re: Can Newt Be Stopped

I think the answer is very, very, likely yes and before the Iowa Caucuses (not that he’ll drop out, just that he will have substantially lower support than now.)  There was this time during the Cain boom when he had just spent the section of a debate dealing with criticism of 9-9-9 by . . . . Continue Reading »

“And with your spirit” explained

For those of you interested in the changes in the new Mass, beyond those explained by Anthony Esolen in Restoring the Words (November), my friend Mike Aquilina has written a popular article on “And with your spirit” , just published by The Priest . The experts have picked out the . . . . Continue Reading »

New Translation of Writings by Erik Peterson

The 20th-century German theologian Erik Peterson, whose conversion from Protestantism to Roman Catholicism was the occasion for a great deal of ecclesiological soul-searching after the second World War, has had a substantive influence on theology both in Europe and in the English-speaking world. . . . . Continue Reading »

Can Newt Be Stopped?

Here is the latest evidence he’s opened up a big lead in Iowa, and without even devoting any effort to campaigning or organizing in the state. And as Cain continues to fade, we can expect his margin to grow even wider. It appears that Romney can’t do anything there or most places to get . . . . Continue Reading »

The Death Throes of an Old Order?

Amanda Marcotte thinks that the “Christian Right” have correctly identified their adversaries, and that the religious reaction—increasingly, she thinks, played out in the public square—amounts to the death throes of an old order.  Some of her arguments are historically . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

In today’s On the Square feature, Robert Schwarzwalder and Julia Kiewit call on evangelicals to stand up for religious liberty : Every Christian school in the nation that offers insurance to its employees or students will be affected by the 2010 health care law—as schools like the . . . . Continue Reading »



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