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Tenure and the Contemporary University

Over at Public Discourse today, I review Naomi Schaefer Riley’s book The Faculty Lounges , which R.R. Reno discussed here at FT last week .  A sample of my take: Why are so many academic departments so ideologically homogeneous? Why are assistant professors so hard at work producing so . . . . Continue Reading »

Free Speech and the Westboro Problem

A recent appellate court ruling in favor of a Westboro Baptist protester, says Carson Holloway , shows the decline of judicial ability to protect decency standards for public discourse: Rulings such as these do not arise merely from the preferences of liberal judges inclined to side with offensive . . . . Continue Reading »

Witch Burning in Saudi Arabia

How can anyone be burned at the stake beheaded for “casting a spell” in the 21st Century?  But that is what has just happened in Saudi Arabia, as a “sorcerer” was executed.  From the story: According to the officer’s account Abdul Hamid agreed to carry out . . . . Continue Reading »

Late Halloween Riddle

What is black and white but leaves law-literate liberals shrieking and gibbering with fright? The anti-Obamacare brief from the public interest law arm of the Claremont Institute! I.e., for liberals, the ultimate CLAREMONSTER!!! . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 11.01.11

What Sola Scriptura Does NOT Mean Credo House , C. Michael Patton The Great Orthodox Comeback Jewish Ideas Daily , Lawrence Grossman Divine Justice: The hidden story of Don Giovanni, Mozart’s Jewish opera Tablet , David Goldman In the Holy Land, a changed Christian world Associated Press What . . . . Continue Reading »

Why Europe Needs the EFSF, and Aliens

What is the EFSF? It’s the European Financial Stability Facility, silly! Don’t you keep up with European “politics?” Yes, yes, last week they were calling it the ESM, I think, but anyhow, here’s one of those fun little office-cooler cartoons (h/t Ricochet) to . . . . Continue Reading »

Socialism’s Magnetic Force

When writing yesterday’s “On the Square” column, Occupy Wall Street’s Empty Anger , I reread parts of George Orwell’s The Road to Wigan Pier . The crowd at Zuccotti Park reminds me of the famous lines from the book in which Orwell describes the developed form . . . . Continue Reading »



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