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First Links - 11.03.11

Authority in the Education of a Human Being  Public Discourse , Anthony Esolen Criticizing the Vatican shouldn’t always be a sign of anti-Catholicism National Post , Charles Lewis Obama: God Wants Us To Put People Back To Work USA Today , David Jackson The Overblown Islamist Threat New . . . . Continue Reading »

Gay Marriage as New Coke

In an interview with Utah’s Deseret News,  New York’s Archbishop Timothy Dolan expresses hope in the wake of the New York marriage defeat: If traditional marriage advocates can find the right tone in making their case, Archbishop Dolan believes they will ultimately come out on top, . . . . Continue Reading »

Cliff Clavin Cain

So I saw Cain on the Fox Special Report show yesterday.  I’m going to ignore all the stuff about sexual harassment because I don’t know what is true and I figure it will shake out in the next couple of weeks (or even faster.)  I’m more interested in some of Cain’s . . . . Continue Reading »

A Civil Rant Against Civil Religion

Note: Earlier today I denounced as a waste of time the attempt by Republicans in the House to reaffirm ‘In God We Trust’ as the national motto . A reader thoughtfully asked whether there is some value in reminding Americans that it is in God that we must trust. My answer is yes and no: . . . . Continue Reading »

A Math Problem for Cretans

This math question has been floating around the interwebs recently: The answer may initially seem obvious, a rather straightforward application of probability. But if you look at it more closely you’ll see that it’s the type of question that Epimenides might ask if he was a statistics . . . . Continue Reading »

Cognitive Dissonance on Population

With the birth of the world’s seven billionth person on October 31 (or thereabouts), the ongoing rumble about overpopulation rose an octave higher than usual. A group called the Center for Biological Diversity launched an “ awareness campaign ” linking contraceptive use to . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

In his latest On the Square column , George Weigel offers suggestions on how to break bad liturgical habits: The long-awaited introduction of the new translation of the Roman Missal on Nov. 27, the first Sunday of Advent, offers the Church in the Anglophere an opportunity to reflect on the riches . . . . Continue Reading »



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