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Watching The Debate

So I’m watching the Gingrich/Cain debate thing.  I don’t think I’ll make it all the way through.  The Medicare discussion is tough to watch.  Gingrich is doing better, but I’m liking Cain more the more I watch.  Gingrich is trying to dig out from the . . . . Continue Reading »

Grudging Respect

I’ve been a little negative (okay, very negative) about the GOP presidential field in recent weeks, so I should give credit where it is due.  Good speech by Romney today.  Taken in outline, the spending cuts and entitlement reforms he talks about are probably big enough to avoid . . . . Continue Reading »

Straws in the Wind

I have watched with some trepidation the evolution (or is it devolution?) of the faith-based initiative in the Obama Administration.  The latest straw in the wind may be pretty close to the last one for me. Essentially , the Obama Administration has excluded the U.S. Conference of Catholic . . . . Continue Reading »

Howe & Rahv on OWS

In my Occupy Wall Street’s Empty Anger on Monday, I wrote about the group — for whom “movement” would be too binding a term — and its lack of any end or purpose that would make their anger effective — to the extent that anger isn’t part of an inner personal . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

In his latest On the Square column , Peter J. Leithart explains why human relations need an intrusive third party if they are to be healthy: Our erotic imaginations have been captured by what Yale’s Paul W. Kahn has called the “pornographic.” The pornographic imagines sex without the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Skin #OWS Lives In

Stephen Colbert has conducted a brilliant interview of two representatives of Occupy Wall Street. One of them, a committed and articulate young woman, describes herself as a “female-bodied person”: (Skip ahead to the 5:15 mark for the quote.) How did such radical body-self dualism . . . . Continue Reading »



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