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Capitalism and Social Justice

Many conservative pundits can only say the words “social justice” while sneering.  Fortunately, Ryan Anderson isn’t one of them.  Here he takes two prominent conservative public intellectuals—Peter Wehner and Arthur Brooks—to the woodshed for the . . . . Continue Reading »

Thoughts on the Penn State Scandal

For the past few days I’ve been trying, without success, to make sense of the disgusting spectacle at Penn State. My reaction can be summed up in one word: inexplicable. The actions of Jerry Sandusky, Joe Paterno, Graham Spanier, Mike McQueary, the rioting Penn State students—all of it is . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

In his latest On the Square column, Russell E. Saltzman remembers that history is made of common people : Hans and Inga, fictional names, got married. It happened so often hardly anybody took much note of it which is maybe why you never heard about it either. Hans and several thousand others like . . . . Continue Reading »

Happy Birthday Marines!

[Note: This is my annual post in honor of the Marine Corps birthday.] Today marks the 236th birthday of the finest fighting force in the history of the world. The Marine Corps Birthday makes me nostalgic for the good ol‚ . . . well, maybe good is too strong a word. In fact, I can’t say that I . . . . Continue Reading »


Canada now has a counterpart to First Things. It’s called Convivium, is edited by Peter Stockland and Fr. Raymond J. de Souza, and is published by the Cardus Centre for Cultural Renewal. The name comes from the homily Fr. de Souza preached at Fr. Richard John Neuhaus’s funeral.In each . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 11.10.11

The Reckless, Profitable Elimination of Down Syndrome Public Discourse , Mark W. Leach Adult stem cell researchers gather for Vatican conference National Post , Jean-Louis de la Vaissiere Air Force Mortuary Sent Troop Remains to Landfill New York Times , Elisabeth Bumiller Mississippi’s . . . . Continue Reading »



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