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Finding Jesus (Again) at Seminary

Timothy Dalrymple on what he lost —and found again—at Princeton Seminary: As he described his retreat, I kept hearing a particular word — a word that surprised me, a word that I had not heard or spoken so openly and frequently for years. Do you want to know what the word was? Jesus. . . . . Continue Reading »

Atlas Goofed: First and Second Things

Remember the Atlas Shrugged movie from this spring? More than 100,000 copies are sitting on store shelves right now with a title card that reads “ AYN RAND’s timeless novel of courage and self-sacrifice comes to life . . . ” Because we all know Ayn Rand is all about self-sacrifice! . . . . Continue Reading »

Boomer-Studies and the Songbook

The great Walter Russell Mead posted yesterday an atypically predictable essay, one that is Against the Boomers . In his comments, I insist that the problem is the Liberal-Boomers, not the generation generally. As a society we owe everything to the many sane boomers, and as a conservative . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

In his latest On the Square column , David Mills laments the privileged place of anger in our culture: You see this in the reaction to Occupy Wall Street. For liberal writers, the ragtag group encamped near the Stock Exchange are expressing admirable anger at . . . whatever target the writers want . . . . Continue Reading »

Created in the Image of Mathematics

Mathematician Phil Wilson wonders why applied math is even possible : [W]hy should the physical realm emerge from and be rooted in the platonic realm? Why should the mental realm emerge from the physical? Why should the mental realm have any direct connection with the platonic? And in what way do . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 11.14.11

What Does it Mean to Fear the Lord? Archbishop of Washington website , Msgr. Charles Pope Study Finds Signs of Awareness in 3 ‘Vegetative’ Patients New York Times , Benedict Carey Will This Election Be The Mormon Breakthrough New York Times , Harold Bloom Atheists in U.S. Military Seek . . . . Continue Reading »

The Catholic* Church

I attend a church where, when a creed is printed in the order of worship, the word “catholic” is accompanied by an asterisk.  Tonight, I saw that small-c catholicity in action.  We hosted a choral concert (“Majestic Choruses”), featuring the choirs of our church . . . . Continue Reading »

Redemption of a White House Insider

“I said to the president, ‘You should have taken me by the lapels and tossed me onto Pennsylvania Avenue for what I have done.’ He said to me, ‘I forgive you.’”Gayle recently spoke with Timothy S. Goeglein, author of The Man in the Middle: An Inside Account of . . . . Continue Reading »



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