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Colossians 3:17?

“Anyone who seriously wants to be a disciple of Christ should learn blackjack.” This from one of the leaders of a new and “arguably the largest and most well funded blackjack team,” made up entirely of churchgoing evangelical Christians , several of them pastors: . . . . Continue Reading »

True Grit and Norwood Compared

Norwood was Charles Portis’s first novel, published in 1966, followed a couple years later by True Grit . Both novels are infused with Portis’s deadpan humor, but only the first is typically represented as a “comic novel.” A novel in which the main character rescues Joann the . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 11.15.11

Obama turns his back on Catholics Washington Post , Michael Gerson Supreme Court to hear challenge to Obama’s health-care overhaul Washington Post , Robert Barnes In West Virginia, snake handling is still considered a sign of faith Washington Post , Julia Duin Studies: Adult stem cells reverse . . . . Continue Reading »

Birth Control Leads to Birth Dearth

That fact of Boomer psychology and reproductive behavior leads to the withering away of the entitlement state. This BIG THINK post is meant to be yet another ad for the Berry Conference this Thursday and Friday, featuring the wisdom of Jim Capretta. One reason I’m not so scared of “the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Ties Goes to Nobody?

The various studies show we have a three or even four-way tie in Iowa. There’s only one study that shows a Paul surge. But it might really be right, especially because only his supporters are enthusiastic at this point. Still, his ceiling is doubtless about 20%. Romney seems surge-proof. . . . . Continue Reading »

10 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know

Almost every day I stumble across a news item/article/blog post that causes me to say, “I did not know that.” Here are ten of them that you (probably) didn’t know either. 1. Moammar Gadhafi might have been the richest man in the world. [ source ] 2. Hope uniquely predicts . . . . Continue Reading »

Memory And Ignorance Part II

I was going to write something longish about the excellent Henry Olsen, but I’m kind of tired and it would take more mental energy than I have at the moment.  So I’ll go back to shooting fish in a barrel. Herman Cain has had a tough day.  His answer  on Libya was . . . . Continue Reading »

Rethinking College Athletics

Writing for the Manhattan Institute’s blog, Jonathan Imber  offers some pointed reflections  on the student reaction to the recent scandal at Penn State. While our own  Joe Carter dealt  with the character of the students who were more outraged over the termination of a . . . . Continue Reading »



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