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Survivor Benefits and Post-Death Conception

Sign of the times of the day: The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether children conceived by in vitro fertilization after the death of their biological father are entitled to collect Social Security survivor benefits. The court granted cert today in the case, Astrue v. Capato, report . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

In his latest On the Square column , Joe Carter explains how to restore a culture in one easy step: In June I explained how to destroy a culture in five easy steps. On reflection I realize that I was making the issue more complicated than was necessary since the task can be completed in one simple . . . . Continue Reading »

Cities Ain’t Especially Special

Theologian Carl Trueman offers a useful corrective to the evangelical elites overemphasis on urban areas : One thing Paul and I did discuss was the current nonsense about cities being special which so dominates the popular evangelical imagination. Not that cities are not important: as areas where . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 11.17.11

Child Sexual Abuse and the Supreme Court Public Discourse , Carson Holloway Broadcaster firing tests religious freedom, free speech National Post , Charles Lewis Benetton pulls ad featuring doctored photo of pope kissing imam CNN , Dan Gilgoff Catholic Church smooths way for disaffected . . . . Continue Reading »

The Censorship Farce

If it’s true that history’s second appearance is as a farce, then the public uproar (or total lack thereof) surrounding the David Wojnarowicz exhibition“Hide/Seek”, known mostly for featuring an 11-second-long video of a crucifix with ants crawling over it, is one boring comedy. . . . . Continue Reading »

Euthanasia Is Heroin

I once called euthanasia, “heroin.”  My point was—and is—that once a culture starts mainlining mercy killing, it will always wants more. And now a Dutch euthanasia advocacy groups wants to create mobile euthanasia clinics.  From the CBS story:The main . . . . Continue Reading »



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