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Ramesh Ponnuru on the 47 percent

Many writers (including, ahem, one guest poster to this blog) have fretted that the 47 percent of Americans who pay nothing in income taxes are freeloaders who pose a threat to the nation’s moral fabric. This worry has issued recently in the unusual spectacle of a Republican presidential . . . . Continue Reading »

Happy Thanksgiving

I just read President Obama’s annual Thanksgiving proclamation , which is more or less of a piece with its predecessors.  (You can read every single Presidential proclamation of thanks here .  I’ve read them all; some are genuinely impressive exercises in public theology, . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

In his latest On the Square column , R.R. Reno considers the impending end of social democracy: Greek bonds have become toxic because of decades of political decisions. Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian bonds may go the same way, and for the same reasons. It is important, therefore, to understand . . . . Continue Reading »

LA Times Circles the Wagons on ESCR

Consider this an addendum to my Weekly Standard piece on media bias in reporting the collapse of Geron’s embryonic stem cell project that came out on Saturday.The LA Times finally got around to reporting the Geron collapse. Apparently, it had to figure out how to circle the wagons around . . . . Continue Reading »

Hollywood takes on the Genevan Psalms

In 1952 Miklós Rózsa, one of Hollywood’s great film composers, borrowed the Genevan Psalter’s tune for Psalms 36 and 68 in scoring Plymouth Adventure, the story of the Pilgrims’ migration to North America in 1620.Here is the text sung by the chorus:Confess Jehovah . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 11.21.11

Loyalty’s Perverted Cousin, Conspiracy Evangel , Gene Fant Can America Overcome Race? Public Discourse , William Doino Jr. Catholic Church To Buy Famed Crystal Cathedral NPR , Barbara Bradley Hagerty Lincoln and the Mormons New York Times , Ted Widmer U.S. Lacks Notable Christian Leaders Barna . . . . Continue Reading »

A Tale of Two Abstinence Campaigns

In an interview with Christianity Today , Wheaton College professor Christine Gardner explains the differences in rhetorical approaches between evangelical abstinence organizations in America and abstinence campaigns in sub-Saharan Africa: You looked at how Africans view abstinence, saying they . . . . Continue Reading »



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