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What the Cultural Mandate is not

Reformed Christians often refer to Genesis 1:28 as the Cultural Mandate:And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”There . . . . Continue Reading »

Mitt Romney’s Change of Mind

As someone who has “flipped” from one position to another (left to right, atheist to Christian), I have some sympathy for Mitt Romney.  (To be sure, I had little to gain in the academy from either flip.)  But Kathleen Parker’s account of how Mitt Romney approached the . . . . Continue Reading »

Clarification on Evangelicals and Public Action

By Robert Schwarzwalder and Julia Kiewit We recently published an On the Square article   faulting some Evangelical Christian organizations for not objecting to the proposed federal “contraceptive mandate” that would force all health insurance plans to include abortifacient drugs. . . . . Continue Reading »

The Great Atonement

In his critical appreciation of the recently departed theologian John Stott, Carl Trueman includes this delightfully apt digression : Death is, of course, the great atonement.  I have commented before on how you only have to die these days in order to have all of your sins, both great and . . . . Continue Reading »

Evangelical Academics and the “Bad” War

“Foes of gay rights are now seen by the press as fighting the bad war, roughly analogous to Vietnam,” wrote Fred Barnes in The Weekly Standard . “Pro-lifers are waging the good war, like World War II.” Timothy Dalrymple has an excellent post examining this analogy and shares . . . . Continue Reading »



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