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The Way It Was: Thanksgiving 1901

By the President of the United States of AmericaAProclamationThe season is nigh when, according to the time-hallowed custom of our people, the President appoints a day as the especial occasion for praise and thanksgiving to God. This Thanksgiving finds the people still bowed with sorrow for the . . . . Continue Reading »

Theorizing Occupy Wall Street

Many have observed that the Occupy Wall Street movement contains various strains, united perhaps only by a certain anger at those who are said to be profiting at “our” expense in these hard times. Nonetheless, a number of obvious themes emerge from observing the Occupiers in action and . . . . Continue Reading »

Promiscuity is Like Smoking

A new Kaiser Permanente study shows that HIV infection adds dramatically to the risk of getting cancer (in addition to AIDS).  From the San Francisco Chronicle story:People with HIV infections have a higher risk of developing certain cancers  than those who aren’t infected, and . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

In his latest On the Square column , George Weigel explains the need to downsize the Catholic Church in Ireland: Catholicism is in crisis all over Old Europe. Nowhere is that crisis more pronounced than in Ireland, where clerical corruption and disastrous episcopal leadership have collided with . . . . Continue Reading »

Don’t Give Up on Marriage, Ladies

Frustrations with men and the institution of marriage are real, says Jennifer Marshall , but shouldn’t obscure our hope in what God is doing. [Kate Bolick] is one of countless women who have struggled with the unexpected in-between of prolonged singleness. “If I stopped seeing my . . . . Continue Reading »

Pardon People, Not Turkeys

Today President Obama performs the annual light-hearted tradition of the turkey pardon. But behind the fluff is a chillingly stingy record of pardons for actual, you know, people . Brandon Watson lays it out: [T]he Office of the President has over the past several administrations been absurdly . . . . Continue Reading »



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