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From Billy Graham to Sarah Palin

At Books and Culture, Christopher Benson  reviews  Darryl Hart’s latest book,  From Billy Graham to Sarah Palin: Evangelicals and the Betrayal of American Conservatism : Focusing on the evangelical intelligentsia rather than the rank-and-file, he considers “the reasons . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

In her latest On the Square column , Elizabeth Scalia confronts the idol of American optimism: There are probably ten thousand articles to be found on the Internet all fleshing out their theories of what is behind America’s swift collapse. Curiously, most of them will touch—all without . . . . Continue Reading »

Being Human in an Age of Unbelief

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput on defending human dignity Here’s my first point. We remember Bonhoeffer, Solzhenitsyn, and other men and women like them because of their moral witness. But the whole idea of “moral witness” comes from the assumption that good and evil are real, and that . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 11.07.11

U.K.: Government to save Year of our Lord from BBC’s ‘Common Era’ Daily Mail , Chris Hastings In Tebow Debate, a Clash of Faith and Football New York Times , Greg Bishop Myths of the Bin Laden Raid Daily Beast , Richard Miniter How Old Is ‘Too Old’ for Fatherhood? . . . . Continue Reading »

The Islamic Case for Religious Liberty

In the November issue of First Things , Abdullah Saeed explains why a close reading of the Qur’an and the Prophet leads to supporting religious tolerance : The words of the Qur’an and hadith contain rich resources for supporting the democratic order. If Muslims are to embrace modernity, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Clock and the Crescent

As Muslims gather to undertake the  hajj  pilgrimage, the city of Mecca itself is experiencing a major transformation which seems to mirror larger upheavals in the Islamic world. A massive hotel complex featuring the world’s second tallest building has opened literally across the . . . . Continue Reading »

Theologians of the Cross

Carl Truman on Martin Luther’s forgotten insight : At the heart of this new theology was the notion that God reveals himself under his opposite; or, to express this another way, God achieves his intended purposes by doing the exact opposite of that which humans might expect.  The supreme . . . . Continue Reading »



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