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45 and 89, and Happy Anyway

A great story about a man who felt himself lucky in circumstances many of us would have felt unfortunate if not cursed: the story of Hugh Mulcahy , who played in the majors for a terrible team and lost twice as many games as he won, and then spent five years fighting in World War II, and never . . . . Continue Reading »

Breaking Bad on the Last (not First) Things

Universalism, the belief that everyone is going to heaven, is becoming widespread.  Check out the popularity of Rob Bell’s book Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person WhoEver Lived as an example.  A perennial question Universalists love to ask traditional . . . . Continue Reading »

Quick Points

1. First off, I’m very glad to learn about the funny NORWOOD. Thanks, Carl. That reminds me that the chair of the politics and literature section of the American Politcial Sciece Association really wants to have a show on TRUE GRIT next year. Any volunteers? 2. I saw a little of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Horror: An Expression of Revolt

The end of Halloween and the genuinely frightening FX show American Horror Story - in which a family heavily interacts with ghosts spanning the generations, where horror began with an abortionist doing his own Frankenstein-type experiments - has provoked the following somewhat disparate thoughts . . . . . Continue Reading »


That was pretty good debate yesterday.  I could nitpick (how much do you all think a war with Iran might cost -in American lives and American money - if you launch an attack on that country’s nuclear facilities?), but I won’t.  Good for them (even Ron Paul.)  It was . . . . Continue Reading »

What Lincoln Taught Me

God has opinions about human affairs, but His opinions are not easy for any human to see.Abraham Lincoln faced the Civil War, the greatest test the American Republic has endured, but he was not foolish enough to assume the government was on God’s side. In his Second Inaugural Address Lincoln . . . . Continue Reading »

Some Pre-Debate Thoughts

1.  God help me, but I’ve seen every Republican debate this season (but not every minute and I’ve missed a couple of the forums.) I’ve found all but the last fairly entertaining and somewhat informative.  They’ve sure been pretty important when it comes to the . . . . Continue Reading »



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