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First Links - 11.16.11

In Georgia, Some Vote To Stay Dry On Sundays New York Times,  Robbie Brown Faithful Struggle With Scandal At Penn State, Where Football Is Religion Newsweek,  Jacob Bernstein Protest and Reason Public Discourse , R.J. Snell Why China Won’t Listen New York Times , Chen Min The Bible . . . . Continue Reading »

Why Are Catholics Swimming the Cumberland?

Those who convert from Anglicanism to Catholicism are said to “swim the Tiber” while those going in the other direction “swim the Thames.” So what do Catholics do when they become Southern Baptists? Swim the Cumberland?* If so, the Tennessee river must be getting . . . . Continue Reading »

Losing Persuadables

Since the 2008 election, Henry Olsen has been one of the most astute observers of electoral trends.  Olsen made the point that if Republicans do not substantially improve their share of the votes among nonwhites, they are going to have to win landslides among white voters.  As far as . . . . Continue Reading »

Art That Passes the Meemaw Test

Over the past couple of years I’ve been quick to denounce modern art that is overpriced , ready-made , non-visible , or simply by Thomas Kinkade . What I haven’t done (at all, now that I think about it) is highlight contemporary art that is worthy of praise. In a modest attempt at . . . . Continue Reading »

Parental authority and children’s rights

In 1989 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which was subsequently signed by representatives of 140 countries and ratified or accepted by 193, with the notable exceptions of Somalia and the United States. This was not the first time that . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

In her latest On the Square column , Elizabeth Scalia reflects on how the Holy Spirit uses even our toss-offs and our dross to effect the movement of grace: For some of us who work in new media—I almost wrote who “live and work” there—and who have taken to pondering the negative . . . . Continue Reading »

More Justice Less Secrecy

This site, and most of what I do, involves human exceptionalism, bioethics, and the like.  But I still care about areas about which I formerly focused.  And sometimes, I take metaphorical pen in hand.Pervasive secrecy corrupts the societal purposes of our civil justice system. Today in the . . . . Continue Reading »

SHS Under Spam Attack

Was it something I said?  The site is under a pretty large SPAM attack.  I am sorry, but any comments sent there by the filters will probably be thrown out with the true trash. I just don’t have the ability to keep sorting through the list to find mistakes.  Thanks for . . . . Continue Reading »

No Cup for the Laity?

When Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, he said “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.” But does that “you” refer—except in special occasions—only to priests? Some dioceses in the United States (such as Phoenix and Madison) are . . . . Continue Reading »



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