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Historian And Consultant

So when, at the last debate, Gingrich was asked why he got paid $300,000 by Freddie Mac, he said he offered them “advice as a historian.”  I’m guessing that the most innocent plausible scenario is that the advice went "something like this" Today it turns out that . . . . Continue Reading »

Billy Collins Action Poetry

There is something about this late afternoon that made me think, “This is a good time for some Billy Collins action poetry.” So here is some Billy Collins action poetry: Forgetfulness The Country Walking Across the Atlantic You can find eight other videos here . . . . . Continue Reading »

All the Married Ladies

In her recent cover story for the The Atlantic , All the Single Ladies , Kate Bolick  argues that since traditional marriage is on its way out, we ought to “embrace new ideas about marriage and family.” Rachel Motte reminds us that there is an alternative approach: Though I was deep . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Description of Heaven

I just read Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo.  A few of my family members recommended it very strongly.  The main attraction is that Mr. Burpo’s son nearly died of acute, misdiagnosed appendicitis and survived to report that he had been to Heaven.  Young Colton Burpo . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

In his latest On the Square column, George Weigel remembers trade union activist Bill Doherty : Bill Doherty was one of the great Catholic laymen of twentieth-century America. A bear of a man who had been a defensive lineman at Catholic University during his student days, Bill dedicated his . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: More Incompetence

What a debacle is our non beloved Obamacare, what an awful mess.  Now, we find that the law does not provide for premium subsidies if the states do not set up insurance exchanges.  From a Wall Street Journal column by Jonathan H. Adler and Michael F. Cannon:  The . . . . Continue Reading »

Fewer Teens Are Having Sex

According to a new report by the CDC , fewer kids today are engaging in sexual intercourse during their teenage years than they were just a decade ago. This finding will likely shock Hollywood producers, comprehensive sex ed advocates, and others who think teenagers are mindless bundles of hormones . . . . Continue Reading »



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