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The Electronic Student, Part 1

If learning is the key to human flourishing, then the age of electronics ought to be our long-awaited golden age of social renewal; for when in history have we had so much knowledge right at our fingertips? You’re not buying that, I can tell. Here I am kicking off a multi-part series on . . . . Continue Reading »

On the Square Today

In his latest On the Square column , Peter J. Leithart comments on how the Church lost her soundscape: What Islam and the Reformation initiated, American churches have completed, voluntarily. Beginning with the charismatic revival and the Jesus movement, the most theologically conservative . . . . Continue Reading »

The Many Talents of Mr. Gingrich

Let me praise Newt Gingrich.When nobody else could imagine a Republican House majority, New Gingrich saw it and made it so. If you are a backbench legislator doomed to decades in the minority, Gingrich is just the bomb thrower and innovator you need.If a student finds history boring, Professor . . . . Continue Reading »

We’re All Harry Blackmun Now

Writing about the recent personhood amendment in Mississippi, Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, says that when faced with the central logic of the pro-life movement many people “who considered themselves pro-life balked, blinked, and . . . . Continue Reading »

First Links - 11.17.11

U.S. Efforts Make Progress Against Child Sex Abuse Washington Times , David Crary Church Music Wars Battle For Souls With Song USA Today , Cathy Lynn Grossman For Bernard of Clairvaux’s Bible Reading Program to Make Sense of the World Why I Am Catholic, Frank Weathers Report: Teen Birth Rate . . . . Continue Reading »

Who Gets To Be the Czar of Aesthetic Consumption?

Although I have a deep-rooted aversion to utopian ideologies (Seriously dudes, stop trying to immanentize the eschaton!), I recognize that all utopianists are not equally annoying. Personally, I prefer the type of utopianist who has read so much fantasy by J.R.R. Tolkien or sci-fi by Verner Vinge . . . . Continue Reading »

Conception to Birth Visualized

Alexander Tsiaras is an artist and technologist who uses scientific visualization software to display human anatomy. In this talk from a recent TED conference, he shows the “mystery, magic, and divinity” of human development from conception to birth. If you want to see only the . . . . Continue Reading »

Time to Demand New Abolitionist Movement

I once asked my Discovery Institute colleague, John R. Miller, to tell me his worst experience as George W. Bush’s point man in fighting slavery and human trafficking.  He told me that he once saw children confined in hanging bamboo cages.  Awful.  Just awful.The scourge shows . . . . Continue Reading »

More Than Misguided

The keynote speaker at  More Than a Monologue: Sexual Diversity and the Catholic Church , sponsored by Fordham, Yale, Fairfield, and Union Theological Seminary, broke new ground by arguing that homosexual relations are both moral and natural. Defending the morally good quality of homosexual . . . . Continue Reading »



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